Mini Lush Haul

I spent the day shopping yesterday, and I just couldn’t resist popping into Lush. They have recently brought in new products, and one thing lead to another, and ya know… The bank account did suffer.


The first thing I picked up was the Phoenix Rising bath bomb, mainly due tot he fact that It smells absolutely amazing (I love the smell of cinnamon). Personally, I am more of a fan of winter, the Australian summer does just not appeal to me at all (remind me why I moved from England?) So, I think I’m going to save this for a cold, winter-like day because there is nothing better than a toasty cinnamon infused bath when its pelting down!

Next, I picked up the Honey Bee bath bomb. It smells really sweet and refreshing, which makes it perfect for the summer time! I have never tried this particular Lush product before, and I’m really excited to give this a go!

The Blackberry bath bomb was the next one to creep into my basket. Like its name suggests, it smells exactly like blackberries. I have used this before, and is most definitely  one of my favourites because its soooooooo relaxing. I don’t know what it is, but if I have had a crappy day, this always manages to relax me, and calm me down.

The Comforter bubble bar is a little different from the bath bombs. The lady at Lush told me to crumble this into warm running water to create a bath full of bubbles. I used this this morning, and I am so glad I grabbed one of these. The bath was literally overflowing with bubbles (I suggest to use this in individual quarters) but it was totally worth cleaning up all the soap suds because the whole bathroom smells like mixed berries!

Lastly, upon a recommendation I grabbed a bit of the Godmother soap. This is the first soap I have ever used at Lush, and I am majorly impressed. I thought that it would dry my skin out, but it didn’t at all. There is nothing more to say, I absolutely love it, and I’m definitely going back to get a whole heap more!

And that wraps up my mini Lush haul!

Until later,

Behk xo

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